Good Boating

29th Mar 2006 stk


The Problem: Owners of two boating companies in the mid-western United States wanted to enhance their existing, static commercial websites. They wanted to offer more relevant content, achieve higher page rankings, build customer loyalty and increase sales.

The Solution: Hire AstonishMe! to convert the static commercial sites into dynamic blogs and integrate them into a regional boating portal site (with boater blogs, professionally written articles and a community forum). The portal site will offer a wealth of information for the region, including relevant content and an active community of boating enthusiasts. Page rank, search engine optimization, potential customers, sales and customer satisfaction will all benefit.

The Challenge: Integration, custom coding, black/gold site design constraints, co-branding, public blogging, forum and multi-million dollar boat inventory database ... this project has it all. The first step was to design and build a mock up of what the b2evolution-driven, integrated portal site would look like.

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Software and Tools

3rd Mar 2006 Danny


The Problem: The owner of a website showcasing news, tips & commentary about software wanted a stylized, 3-column design that provided an integrated, but differing color scheme for each of the eight technology blogs.

The Solution: Making a custom skin that exceeded the client's expectations. The design is elegant and offers unique features: author index, collapsible categories, clean search form, custom icons and CSS image rollover (for blog descriptions).

The Challenge: Offering an elegant, integrated, custom design at an affordable price.

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